During the past ten years, I’ve explored a lot of different types of work, from engineering to partnerships to research to project management to community leadership. While I’ve been known to get a computer to do really cool things, my particular skillset and ambitions have motivated my work on creative, educational endeavors with humans at the center. I love working with people, understanding what they do, and making them laugh, cry, or think. I’ve come to realize how my experience can be used to bring technology and people in tune with one another. Today, I’m looking for new challenges that let me communicate and work directly with people while further exploring my creativity.

Admitting to participants of a user-testing workshop that they have found a particularly nasty bug in the tool we built for making apps, called Appmaker.

Working with a Mozilla community member to understand offline file-sharing apps in Kenya during a digital skills workshop.

Group selfie time after a user-testing workshop in Indonesia.

Inspiring my fans.

Stirring up controversy in the raptor world.